
"MAGOS. “Secure smart grid and electric vehicle”

CICYT (2018-2020). National Spanish project TEC2017-84197-C4-3-R.

Secure sMArt Grid using Open Source Intelligence. Data Privacy and reliable communications.

Adhoc communications for the smart meters integrated in the smart grid. Traffic Routing and Engineering on Smart Grid Wireless Neighborhood Area Networks.

Security and privacy issues in the communications involved to manage the smart grid. Further to the well-established threats related to unauthorized access, eavesdropping and traffic analysis, new privacy risks such as consumption profiling and statistical disclosure are especially relevant for the Smart Grid infrastructure. We propose the use of data anonymization techniques will be used, where an obfuscated version of a database is generated to be distributed to not completely trusted recipients. Anonymized databases allow to share sensitive information among different stakeholders. This exchanged information could later be used for data analysis by machine learning algorithms to improve the managing and maintaining of the infrastructure." "A unified solution for building wireless sensor networks (ALLINONE), EXCELENCIA 2016, TEC2016-79988-P  IoT, Networks