Notícies del lloc
El professor d'ENTEL Carles Gómez inclòs dins del llistat "World's top 2% of Scientists 2023", editat per Stanford University.
Dintre el Cicle "Hack the film", cinefòrum de ciberseguretat de la Càtedra INCIBE del grup de recerca ISG-MAK del departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica de la UPC, i amb motiu del 8 de març, dia de la dona, el proper dimecres a les 18h a l'Aula de Telensenyament de l'ETSETB es projectarà la pel.lícula "Hackers" (1995) dirigida per Iain Softley i protagonitzada per Angelina Jolie.
In collaboration with UPC Sostenible, the SISCOM group is organizing a one-week campaign to collect mobility trips to and from the campus. The aim is to analyze the mobility habits of our community to better promote measures to achieve more sustainable mobility at UPC.
La càtedra "Carismàtica" pretén conscienciar de la necessitat de protegir-se amb eines de ciberseguretat per evitar ser atacats.
El PhD Day TIC de la UPC, que reuneix els 7 programes de doctorat TIC de la UPC, celebrarà enguany la seva segona edició el dia 12 de juny.
The SISCOM research group organized a 1-week campaign, in collaboration with UPC Sostenible and ATM, to collect multimodal trips of the UPC community traveling to/from Campus Nord from April 15th to 19th, 2024. The MobilitApp initiative is a citizen science project that gathers mobility data from citizens to achieve various benefits, including the enhancement of urban mobility.
La cátedra CARISMATICA está coordinada por el grupo de investigación Information Security Group – Mathematics Applied to Cryptography (ISG-MAK) de la UPC, formado por investigadores de los departamentos de Ingeniería Telemática y de Matemáticas
The Department of Network Engineering is pleased to promote and organize the 3rd Network Engineering Day (NErD 2024), a Workshop on Communications Networks, Systems and Services. The Workshop will be held on July 2nd 2024, 9:00h, at the C4- 001 conference room, on the Baix Llobregat Campus in Castelldefels.