
Visita de la Professora Tracy Camp el dia 10 de maig

El dia 10 de maig de 2013 rebrem la visita de la prestigiosa investigadora i professora Tracy Camp, Distinguished ACM Speaker del Dept. of Electrical Eng. And Computer Science, Colorado School of Mines, USA, (


La Dra. Camp ens ofereix gratuïtament dues xerrades científiques i una reunió amb dones de la UPC (professores, doctorandes, investigadores...) per a tractar temes d'igualtat de gènere. La Tracy Camp és molt activa en donar suport a les dones en el mon de l'enginyeria. Forma part de diverses organitzacions Women in Computing, congressos, i ha escrit articles sobre els diferents problemes que ens trobem les dones en el mon de l'enginyeria (


L’acte es celebrarà a l’Aula màster del Campus Nord.


L'agenda és la següent:


  • 10:00-11:00. Xerrada 1
What I know now... that I wish I knew then
  • 11:30-12:30: Reunió
Women in Engineering.
  • La Tracy ens proposa que fem una xerrada amb dones enginyeres de la UPC (professores i altres investigadores), per a compartir experiències i escoltar les seves nombroses i divertides anècdotes. Els homes també hi esteu convidats.
  • 14:30-15:30:  Xerrada 2
Implementing a wireless geophysical sensor network,

Tracy Camp Bio:

Tracy Camp is a Full Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Colorado School of Mines. She is the Founder and Director of the Toilers (, an active ad hoc networks research group. Her current research interests include the credibility of ad hoc network simulation studies and the use of wireless sensor networks in geosystems. Dr. Camp has received over 20 grants from the National Science Foundation, including a prestigious NSF CAREER award. In total, her projects have received over $20 million dollars in external funding. This funding has produced 12 software packages that have been requested from (and shared with) more than 3000 researchers in 86 countries (as of October 2012). Dr. Camp has published over 80 refereed articles and 12 invited articles, and these articles have been cited almost 4,000 times (per Microsoft Academic Search) and over 7,000 times (per Google Scholar) as of December 2012. As of December 2012, Dr. Camp’s h-index (Hirsch number) is 23 (per Google Scholar); in other words, according to Google Scholar, Dr. Camp has at least 23 articles with 23 or more citations.


Dr. Camp is an ACM Fellow, an ACM Distinguished Lecturer, and an IEEE Senior Member. She has enjoyed being a Fulbright Scholar in New Zealand (in 2006), a Distinguished Visitor at the University of Bonn in Germany (in 2010), and a keynote presenter at several venues, e.g., at the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP 2011) in Adelaide, Australia, and the 3rd International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools 2010) in Malaga, Spain. In December 2007, Dr. Camp received the Board of Trustees Outstanding Faculty Award at the Colorado School of Mines; this award was only given five times between 1998-2007.

Dr. Camp currently co-chairs the Computing Research Association's Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research (CRA-W). CRA-W is "an action oriented organization dedicated to increasing the number of women participating in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) research and education at all levels". In her role as Co-Chair, Dr. Camp co-leads the CRA-W's Steering Committee. Dr. Camp was also the elected Treasurer of ACM's Special Interest Group on Mobile Computing (SIGMOBILE) from 2005-2009. She served as the co-chair of ACM's Committee on Women in Computing from 1998-2002. She was honored to be the General Chair of the 2010 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.