
La profesora Isabelle Guérin-Lassous ofrece un seminario en el Departamento


La profesora Isabelle Guérin-Lassous (, de la Universidad de Lyon, ofrecerá un seminario en el Departamento, titulado “QoS issues in multihop wireless networks”, en el edificio C3 del Campus Nord. Los días, franjas horarias y salas donde se impartirá el seminario son los siguientes:


- Lunes 6 de Junio: 15:30h a 17:30h (sala 304)

- Martes 7, Miércoles 8 y Jueves 9 de Junio: 14:00h a 16:00h (sala 005)


A continuación se muestra el abstract del seminario.


Multihop wireless networks can be deployed in environments where networking architectures with fixed and wired infrastructure are costly and/or difficult to deploy. Mesh wireless networks are such multihop wireless networks that can be considered as an alternative to access networks. Users, who access to the Internet via mesh wireless networks, expect services and applications like the ones that can be delivered with any other access network, like, for instance, VoIP, audio/video streaming or online gaming applications, in addition to classical applications like web and emails. Due to the limited capacity of the wireless medium that is shared in a multi-hop fashion, the viability of mesh wireless networks requires to integrate quality of service mechanisms, in order to offer applications with good performance, similar to traditional access networks.

Recently, the works on quality of service (QoS) guarantees in a multihop wireless networks have attracted more and more attention. Most of these works assume that the underlying technology used in these networks is the IEEE 802.11 technology. This technology is widely available, not so expensive and provides a distributed radio medium access that can be easily used in a multihop wireless network. On the other hand, the random radio medium access provided by IEEE 802.11 offers few control on the emissions and makes the radio medium

sharing difficult in a multihop context. Therefore, some applications that usually do not require specific guarantees in wired networks, may have so poor performances in multihop wireless networks that QoS can be seen as a solution to make the applications and the network run in such networks.


This course will deal with QoS issues in multihop wireless networks. After a brief description of the principles of IEEE 802.11, we will study the different issues raised by the use of this technology in such networks. Then, different approaches that can be used to solve these issues and ensure quality of service will be presented. The talk will mainly focus on new fair MAC protocols and on available resource estimations for multihop wireless networks. The course will conclude on open challenges in this research area.