
Vehicle to Everything

Robust and secure multimedia transmissions over vehicular networks.

This project was intended to design a new architecture capable to send infotainment (information and entertainment) contents in a robust and secure way in a vehicular scenario. The ISG group members were focused on designing and implementing certificate revocation mechanisms for the vehicular environment.

Improving the management of the charge station control center (CSCC), vehicle to grid (V2G) and grid to vehicle (G2V) interchange of energy. Smart grid (SG) planning according to the full electrical vehicles (FEV) requirements and energy availability in the charging stations (CS).

Machine learning, artificial intelligence, neuronal networks, will be used to integrate AVs in the smart city. Pollution reduction, traffic accidents reduced, better mobility in the city, better quality of life of citizens.

3 PhD thesis are currently tutored in this topic.

Web MobilitApp:

Android application using machine learning algorithms to find out the mode of transportation (bus, car, metro, train, bicycle and on foot) used by the user. The goal is to know the global mobility of citizens and to improve the public transportation system. The user's information is treated completely anonymously.

In collaboration with the Metropolitan Transport Authority of Barcelona (ATM,


Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) analyses the use of communications technologies in order to improve the efficiency of the transport systems, and it’s considered a key field for the development of new services and sustainability models in the future smart cities.

In Europe, under the umbrella of the standard ETSI ITU-G5, a stack of protocols of communications and services for V2V communications (vehicle to vehicle) and V2I communications (vehicle to infrastructure) have been recently developed. This technology is expected to considerably increase traffic safety and its efficiency and sustainability.

Taking as starting point the state-of-the-art of the technology and the existing market solutions for V2X (vehicle to vehicle or vehicle to infrastructure), Cellnex has set to reach these targets: Definition of architectures and technologies for the deployment of V2X services, possibly including newly hybrid architectures that combine multiple technologies.

Thorough analysis of use cases and services related to V2X communications, and recommendation of reference architectures and technologies for each use case. It will also be provided an analysis of the business models for the different services considered.

Experimental validation of the proposed architectures, including the deployment of V2X-specific infrastructure in a proving ground that will make possible to validate realistic traffic scenarios.

C-ITS, Communications V2X

V2X traffic light-based functions: Project developed in collaboration with Alstom and i2cat.

The objective of the project is to validate a prototype in which a Road Side Unit captures the current state of traffic lights and, using standard ETSI-G5 messages, sends this information to autonomous cars, to avoid them to violate red light states in traffic lights.

C-ITS, Communications V2X"