
Several professors of the Department have been awarded

In the last few months, several professors of the Department have contributed to works that have been awarded:

- The MSc thesis “Audio Streaming multifluxe”, carried out by the student Eduard Ramon, advised by prof. Daniel Guasch, was awarded with a prize of the 4th Premio PFC Fundación Universia-UPC 2012.

More information (in catalan) can be found here:


- The project “Concepció, disseny, implementació i operació de l’itinerari d’assignatures de projectes dels graus de l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Telecomunicació de Barcelona”, in which prof. Josep Pegueroles was a team member, was awarded with the prize for the educational initiative offered by the Social Council of UPC.

More information (in catalan) can be found here:

- The project presented by the student Sergio Jiménez and by prof. David Rincón, entitled “Encaminament amb optimització de consum energètic en una xarxa definida per software”, which is an outcome of the MSc project of the student (coadvised by profs. David Rincón and Frederic Raspall) has been selected in the Ecotendències CosmoCaixa contest.

You may find a video of the project through the following link:

You may find the MSc project through the following link: