Network Services & Automation
Towards software-based networks sustained by programmability and AI techniques.
Protection of personal sensitive data against unauthorized use. Data anonymization. Anonymous communication systems.
Network intelligence
Generation of new knowledge through AI and its application to network management, service provisioning and software-based networks and infrastructures, sustained by the programmability of data, control and management planes.
Protecting people and devices against cybersecurity attacks. Providing security to critical services (e-government and e-health).
UPC news
Having achieved re-election, he will be at the head of the Telematics Engineering Department of the UPC, for the next 6 years.
Professor Luis de la Cruz proclaimed director of the Department. -
PhD student Pablo Barbecho recognized for the Best UPC PhD Thesis Award 2021/2022
Best PhD thesis 2021/2022 Awarded at the UPC -
Professor of the Network Engineering department, Jesús Alcober, receives one of the Unite Awards!
Professor Jesús Alcober receives one of the Unite Awards! -
Telematics Engineering PhD Programme achieves Accreditation towards Excellence, issued by AQU Catalunya.
Telematics Engineering PhD Programme achieves Accreditation towards Excellence -
Department professors Carles Gómez and Mari Carmen Domingo are among the 2% of most cited researchers in the ranking drawn up by Stanford University with the collaboration of Elsevier-Scopus.
Department professors among the 2% of most cited researchers