
PostDoc (09/01/2023)

Postdoctoral position in the area of cloud/edge computing

The Distributed and Parallel Systems Group at the Institute of Informatics, University of Innsbruck (Austria), is looking for excellent candidates for a six year postdoctoral position in the area of Cloud/Edge computing.

Candidates with strong background in distributed, cloud and edge computing and which are interested in one of the following research areas are encouraged to apply:

 * programming APIs and application development for the cloud-edge
 * scalable, resilient and autonomous runtime systems
 * resource management and provisioning
 * serverless architectures for distributed applications
 * distributed data management
 * AI-enabled cloud-edge framework and cognitive services
 * discovery, provisioning, orchestration and usage of edge-cloud services
 * scheduling and optimization for energy efficiency, economic cost,
   and performance
 * Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning and Service Level Agreements (SLA)

The position is funded by the University of Innsbruck and comes with a teaching obligation of 4 hours per week.
Note that the*working and teaching language is English.*
The appointment is for *six years full-time employment* but can also be shorter if preferred by the applicant. The employment will start at 2023-02-01, or as otherwise agreed. The position comes with a competitive salary and opportunities for teaching. The annual gross salary for this position is *€ 60.000,-*   Application deadline: January 31, 2023.

Further details and application procedure can be found at the following links: